Autumn Aromatherapy
By Dr. Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT
As the calendar changes to November, Mother Nature becomes quiet, sleeps, and rests for the next several months. The wheel of light becomes dark. This is a time of inner work and self-reflection. This is a time to celebrate death and prepare for rebirth. We also officially begin the holiday season.
There are dozens of holidays celebrated globally from November 1 to January 1, including Dia De Los Muertos, All Souls Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Yule, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. Spicy aromas like ginger, nutmeg, and clove are strongly associated with autumn and the holidays.
The intuitive essential oil for the month of November is the spiciest of them all, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp). There are several species of Cinnamomum distilled to make essential oils including Cinnamomum verum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cinnamom ceylanicum, and Cinnamomum cassia (known as Cassia). The leaves and bark can both be used. Cinnamon is a very hot oil and it is generally not recommended that you use this oil topically (especially Cinnamon Bark) as it is very irritating to the skin. Cinnamon is great in the diffuser, especially when people are more prone to getting sick in the fall and winter. However, my favorite way to use cinnamon is as a psychic protector.
Cinnamon is one of the best tools for your energy toolbox. Traditionally witches’ brooms were made of cinnamon and the brooms were symbolically used to sweep the hearth and remove any negative energies from the space. Cinnamon is a superb energy shield and energy protector. Even though cinnamon essential oil is delightful, I often prefer to use the actual herb. I have put cinnamon sticks in the corners of rooms to raise the vibration, made cinnamon wands to cleanse space, and made charm bags for protection with cinnamon sticks, star anise, fennel seeds, and rosemary leaves. The more aware you become of energy, the more you understand how important energy protection and cleansing are to your daily routine.
My Cinnamon Forecast for November
Though many look forward to the holiday season, it is important to remember that others do not. Not everyone has family or a lot of loved ones and not everyone gets along with their family. This is a stressful time for some as an emphasis is put on buying gifts and overexerting yourself financially. Cinnamon reminds you to create and enforce strong boundaries, both physical, emotional, and energetic, with yourself and others during this season. It's okay to say no to others. It's okay to limit your time with some people because they drain you dry. You don’t have to empty your bank account and buy expensive gifts to show others you love them.
Please be extra loving and compassionate to yourself during this time. And if you feel drawn to it, light a candle with the intent to send love and positivity to those who may need a little extra blessing this season.
Recipe for Psychic Protection
- 3 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil
- 2 drops Anise Essential Oil
- 2 drops Fennel Essential Oil
- 3 drops Sage Essential Oil
- 4 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
- 6 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Mix the above oils in a 2-ounce spray bottle, add one tablespoon of vodka or witch hazel (to help mix the water/oil and disperse the spray) and then fill the remainder of the bottle with purified water. Use the spray to cleanse energy and protect your space and aura. Be careful not to spray the eyes, skin, or breathe in the mist.
More Aromatherapy Recipes for Autumn
Smells, scents, and aromas evoke moods and memories and can be a feast for the soul. Nothing smells more like autumn to me than a blend of spice oils and fruit oils. Experiment with different combinations of nutmeg, cinnamon, cassia, clove, anise, fennel, cardamom, ginger, bay, allspice, sage, vanilla, orange, tangerine, mandarin, lemon, lime, grapefruit, and bergamot. (Please remember, some of the spice oils can be hot and caustic to the skin, so let’s focus on using them in diffusers, mists and sprays, and other inhalation therapies instead of applying to the skin.) Here are some of my favorite autumn aroma ideas. Enjoy!
Autumn Aromatherapy Room Spray
- 2 drops of Cinnamon Essential Oil
- 2 drops of Vanilla Essential Oil
- 4 drops of Cardamom Essential Oil
- 6 drops of Clove Essential Oil
- 8 drops of Orange Essential Oil
Mix the above oils in a 2-ounce spray bottle, add one tablespoon of vodka or witch hazel (to help mix the water/oil and disperse the spray) and then fill the remainder of the bottle with purified water. Use the spray to cleanse energy and protect your space and aura. Be careful not to spray the eyes, skin, or breathe in the mist.
To finalize, I like to hold the bottle to my heart and intentionalize it by giving the blend a name.
Ghost or Pumpkin Sachets:
- ¼ cup whole fennel seeds
- ¼ cup whole black peppercorns
- ¼ cup whole star anise
- A few drops each of Ginger Essential Oil, Orange Essential Oil, and Cinnamon Essential Oil
- Square piece of white fabric for ghost or orange for pumpkin
- Strand of ribbon or twine
Mix spices together then sprinkle with essential oils. Mix well. Place mixture in center of fabric square, and draw up the corners to form a ball. Tie with ribbon or string and trim the excess fabric as needed. Flip upside down for a ghost and keep right-side up for a pumpkin. Draw or paint two eyes and a mouth for the ghost or a spooky face for the pumpkin. Hang your sachet with fishing line or monofilament. Make more than one to have a ghostly army!
Gratitude Ritual Candle
Take a tea light candle and anoint the candle and wick with any combination of spice and/or fruit oils you feel drawn to. Use one drop per oil. Then as you light the candle with a match state to the universe your positive wishes and what you are grateful for. Let it burn until the candle goes out on its own.
Aroma Spice Potpourri
- 1 cup mixed whole cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon sticks
- 1 cup dried orange rind peelings
- 10 drops each of Orange, Clove, Nutmeg, & Cassia (or Cinnamon) Essential Oil
Mix the spices and orange rinds together and then drop the essential oils over the mixture stirring well. Place the spice & oil mix in a dish and place on the counter or on a table to fragrance the room. Refresh the mixture with the essential oils as needed.
About Dr. Christina Wilke-Burbach: Christina is a Holistic Health Psychologist, Certified Aromatherapist, member of the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy and leading aromatherapy professional and teacher in the Midwest. She has been professionally using aromatherapy for over 16 years. Christina is frequently interviewed for magazines and radio shows regarding aromatherapy. She combines science with intuition. For more info, please visit: http://www.mindsoulandself.com