How to create your own Calendula salve
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When the bitter cold of a Wisconsin winter settles in and frost covers my window panes, I am always grateful for my homemade Calendula salve. It feels like a little...
Why We No Longer Carry White Sage, Palo Santo, and More
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Long-time customers may have noticed that Mimosa no longer stocks White Sage bundles. While we carried White Sage and related products over a decade, we made the decision in late...
Herbs to Attract Butterflies & Bees
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All of nature lives together in harmony. When one part of the ecosystem is damaged, the entire system is broken. Here are some of our favorite herbs for supporting native pollinators!
Welcoming Taurus Season
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In the Taurus part of our humanity, we learn loyalty, patience, gratitude, persistence, endurance, commitment, and forgiveness. If conscious, we grow our self-worth and self-resourcefulness. We take action slowly, deliberately, honoring others needs, but respecting their boundaries and our own.
Frequently Asked Questions About Crystals
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Frequently Asked Questions About Crystals People have a lot of questions about crystals, and we're happy to share their enthusiasm! Here are some of the most common questions we...
Understanding the Zodiac: Aries
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Aries is ruled by planet Mars. At the “beginning” of the circular zodiac, Aries represents the fiery insertion of the spirit into the physical world of time and space.
Ostara & The Wheel of the Year
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Ostara, or the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, is the first of the quarter days, which marks the second of the spring holidays (the mid-point between Imbolc and Beltane). Ostara is traditionally celebrated on the day of the Vernal Equinox, determined by when the Sun is directly over the earth's equator (this date may range from March 19th through March 22nd each year depending on the Sun's position).
Aromatherapy Recipe for March: Roman Chamomile
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Aromatherapy Recipe for March: Roman Chamomile By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA The intuitive essential oil for the month of March is Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis). Roman Chamomile is...
Understanding the Zodiac: Pisces
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Understanding the Zodiac: Pisces by Barry Kerr The Sun moves into Pisces on Feb 18/19 In our journey toward an ever-expanding sense of self, Pisces brings us to knowing...
The History of Black Spirituality by Payton Udo
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The History of Black Spirituality By Payton Udo As Black authors, educators, and activists strive to continue educating people of all races about Black culture, we must remind non-Black...
The Basics of Sacred Geometry
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The Basics of Sacred Geometry Just as mathematics is the foundation of all science, a special kind of math is the foundation of all metaphysics. Sacred geometry springs from...
Imbolc & The Wheel of the Year
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Imbolc & The Wheel of the Year By Ashley Leavy The Wheel of the Year is separated into 8 main holidays and is a representation of seasonal cycles that...
Understanding the Zodiac: Aquarius
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Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and resonates with freedom, authenticity, intuition and seeing past the limits of the status quo. Our inner Saturn agreed to conform to the seeming limits of the world, but our inner Uranus, orbiting just beyond Saturn, intuitively knows what our five senses cannot perceive, and prompts us, like Aquarian Star Trek, “to go where no man has gone before”.
Rosemary For Clearing The Way
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Rosemary For Clearing The Way by Christina Wilke-Burbach New Year, New You! The beginning of the year is traditionally a time for us to assess the...
Winter Aromatherapy with Frankincense
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Frankincense By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA December is filled with celebrations of religion and spirituality. In nature, it is a sacred time as wildlife slumbers, sleeps, and...
Autumn Aromatherapy with Cinnamon Essential Oil
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Autumn Aromatherapy By Dr. Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT As the calendar changes to November, Mother Nature becomes quiet, sleeps, and rests for the next several months. The wheel of...
Understanding Scorpio Season
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Understanding Scorpio Season by Barry Kerr The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22/23 The shift from Libra to Scorpio is similar to the shift from the airy ideals...
Introducing the Seven Chakras
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A Basic Introduction to the Chakras Many traditions worldwide hold that vital energy flows through our bodies. Energy pathways connect one function of the body to all the others,...
Welcoming Libra Season
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Welcoming Libra Season by Barry Kerr The Sun moves into Libra on September 22/23 Having spent the first half of the zodiac journey developing the ego “self”,...
Aura Quartz for Vibrancy and Wonder
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Aura Quartzes are among the most visually striking crystals out there. Although they are a relatively new arrival to the crystal world, they have ignited quite a controversy among collectors and healing...
Ganesh: Remover of Obstacles
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Ganesh: Remover of Obstacles Ganesh (गणेश) is one of the most loved and easily recognized of Hindu deities. His other names include Ganesa, Ganesha, and Ganapati. The elephant god is...
Understanding the Zodiac: Virgo
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Understanding the Zodiac: Virgo by Barry Kerr The Sun moves into Virgo on Aug 22/23 Last month, with Sun in Leo, we honored our ego, celebrating our soul’s intention to...
A Dozen Crystals for Beginners
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A Dozen Crystals for Beginners There are so many crystals out there that it can be hard for beginners to figure out where to start! While every crystal is important...
What to Do When You Draw a Difficult Tarot Card
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What to Do When You Draw a Difficult Tarot Card by Mari Powers I received an interesting set of questions from a client about two Tarot Cards that led me to...
A Simple Method For Scrying
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A Simple Method For Scrying Have you ever gazed into a campfire or fireplace? You may have found your eyes “softening,” and started to notice patterns of sparks and...
Leo Season is Here – What to Expect for Your Sign
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Leo Season is Here – What to Expect for Your Sign by Barry Kerr, evolutionary astrologer The Sun moves into Leo on July 22 Having satisfied our need...
Homemade Sprays for Your Sacred Space
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Homemade Sprays for Your Sacred Space Essential oil based sprays are useful for clearing the energy of your space, refreshing your energy body, or simply providing a sensory link to...
Creating Your Own Crystal Grids
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Creating Your Own Crystal Grids The crystal grid is a manifestation tool that joins crystal energy with sacred geometry. When we align an underlying geometric pattern with compatible crystals, we can...
Working with Protective Symbols (The Hamsa, Evil Eye & More)
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Working with Protective Symbols (The Hamsa, Evil Eye & More) Traditional amulets of protection have been observed as a part of human culture going as far back as the Stone Age....
Decoding Cancer Season
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Decoding Cancer Season by Barry Kerr, evolutionary astrologer The Sun moves into Cancer on June 20/21 The Moon rules the sign of Cancer. The Moon reflects our soul’s core intention...
An Introduction to the Many Varieties of Incense (And How to Use Them)
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An Introduction to the Many Varieties of Incense (And How to Use Them) Incense is essentially any herbs and other aromatics processed for burning. Incense has been used since before...
It's Gemini Season (What This Means for Your Sign)
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It's Gemini Season (What This Means for Your Sign) by Barry Kerr, evolutionary astrologer The Sun moves into Gemini on May 21 Fleet-footed Mercury rules the sign of...
Color Magic for Spellwork, Ritual, and Ceremony
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Color Magic for Spellwork, Ritual, and Ceremony Almost everyone has a favorite color. It's one of those natural little preferences that make us so varied as humans – so basic...
Brigid: Triple Goddess of the Flame (Health, Hearth, & Forge)
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Brigid: Triple Goddess of the Flame (Health, Hearth, & Forge) May 4th, marks the sacred day of the Celtic Festival honoring the goddesses Cerridwen and Brigid. It’s on this day...
Japa Malas: Working with Mala Beads
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Japa malas, often simply called mala beads, is a string of beads for counting repeated prayers, mantras, divine names or affirmations. Malas are made from many materials, which carry different meanings. Crystal, rudraksha seeds, bodhi seeds, tulsi wood, sandalwood, lotus seeds, rosewood, and bone are just a few of the many mala materials used to create these special meditation tools.
Aromatherapy with Geranium Essential Oil & a Goddess Essential Oil Blend Recipe
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Geranium essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens) has very feminine energy and is nurturing and comforting. It is cooling, sedating, relaxing, balancing, and is fabulous for anxiety, stress, nervousness, and tension. Geranium essential oil is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra as it may energetically regulate the adrenal glands and clear excess heat. It's empowering, boosts confidence and self-esteem, and resonates with Solar Plexus themes and functions.
Rune Meanings for Modern Day: An Intro to Runes
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Runes are an ancient form of writing used in northern Europe, including Germany, Scandinavia, and the British Isles. The listing below is a very basic chart of Scandinavian rune meanings known as the “elder Futhark.” In modern times, people often use runes for divination, in writing magical texts or spells, or as talismans.
Astrology for Self-Discovery & Personal Development
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The symbols, myths, and metaphors of astrology have been gathered across the centuries from a variety of cultural sources. Based on an underlying philosophy that assumes some kind of interrelationship between the sky and the earth, astrological thinking has thrived during the past two thousand years across the globe. The Middle East, the Greco-Roman world, Asia, and medieval and Renaissance Europe have all nurtured astrological thought in its varying forms.
Goddess Crystals for Empowering the Goddess Within
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When you combine ritual and ceremony, prayer, or even meditation with the energy of goddess crystals, the connection to a particular goddess is amplified. Certain goddess crystals correspond to particular goddess archetypes. So to connect with or embody the energetic archetype, the traits or qualities of a specific goddess, you need only to reach for the stone that embodies her spirit and energy.
New Year, New Moon by Payton Udo
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The New Moon is known as a time of new beginnings and letting go. While some of us may wait until the New Year to make a change or start anew, the moon kindly reminds us each month that we are capable of starting fresh whenever we please. As a cycle comes to an end and a new one begins, it's important for us to continue to set new goals and intentions so we are able to keep growing and learning.
Showing items 1-40 of 40.