Leo Season is Here – What to Expect for Your Sign
by Barry Kerr, evolutionary astrologer
The Sun moves into Leo on July 22
Having satisfied our need for love and belonging in the soul-baptising waters of Cancer, we now turn ourselves outward with a radiant shine of pride and warmth, knowing we are a child of “Creator," ready to share our special gifts with those around us. Oh what joy – it’s Leo.
Just as the Sun radiates warmth into our solar system, so our inner Sun shines our inspired individuality into the physical world through our ego/personality. It is by expressing our creativity, playfulness, passion and joy that we fulfill the ego’s limited sense of purpose in life. This is generally very different than our soul’s purpose in this lifetime, but is necessary for the soul to reach its goals. To lend our unique talents to the collective creation, we must first know how to actually manifest our own vision and talents.
When we are conscious in this expansion into Leo, we learn to strengthen our individuality, follow our heart’s desire, be willing to take center stage, increase our willpower, enthusiasm, and self-confidence. By being willing to take risks and look at life as a game, we learn how to have fun and relate to the childlike qualities in others.
Our unconscious Leo might insist on getting its own way, make changes just to show its power, become addicted to taking risks. We might demand others’ attention, create melodrama, or be overly prideful in the face of fear. At times, we might be overly concerned with what’s expected instead of following our own heart.
Nearly everyone knows their Sun sign, because the Sun, in astrology, represents the core of your ego’s sense of self. Your soul shines it’s light through the prism of your Sun sign, giving specific, dominant qualities to your personality. Other planets, in other signs in your chart, give a richer and more nuanced texture to your personality, but the Sun, as it does in the solar system, provides the light and warmth of your human being.
Through the first four signs of the zodiac, the soul having established itself in human form as an ego, evolves into the sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun. It is here that the soul, as a unique and divine ray of the one light of creator, makes use of the ego to express the essence of that light into the physical realm through creative passion, playful competition, and radiant love.
Which sign and house your Sun falls in your birth chart will describe how you radiate your soul’s unique light. For example, a Sun in Gemini in 11th house can shine as an intellectual wit, orator and communicator within groups and among friends. A Sun in Scorpio in the 6th house may bring brilliance to serving others in emotionally supportive and intimate ways. Just how well these personalities express the highest potentials of their qualities depends on the level of wholeness and consciousness one has developed thus far in the soul’s journey. If one’s Taurus/2nd house experiences have left a void in the area of self-worth or material security, one’s Sun expression might be cut short, repressed, and/or distorted by needs of the shadow wound.
Typically, we all have a unique blend of shadow/wound backgrounds that hamper the fullness of our light’s expression. This becomes the stuff of what is termed our “healing work”. Among our goals as spiritual beings choosing to incarnate as humans again and again, is to develop, as humans, enough wholistic consciousness to allow our soul to flow through our human egos without distortion or blockage. It is in this way, that in the long run, we are able to shine our lights into this world, with full brilliance as the powerful stars that we are. This is what fuels our creation of heaven on earth.
It is in the next sign, Virgo that we will learn to receive feedback and develop discernment, necessary for mastery in this endeavor.
Good Leo Activities
Give yourself permission to shine. Let go of standards, comparisons and judgments. Just follow your creative urges. Draw, sing, sculpt, craft, write, perform. Make having fun the priority, as if you were a child, without regard for outcomes. Play a sport. Compete in a game. Laugh and feel your inner child radiate joy and warmth to those around you. Take pride in your self.
Good Leo Questions to Ask Yourself
To heal and evolve your Leo self, notice if you have a fear of being seen, recognized, put in the spotlight. Do you feel unworthy of notice, lacking talent or any gift to share? Conversely, do you find yourself trying too hard to be seen, applauded or loved? Do you steal attention at the same time you are feeling unworthy? Do you have a hard time accepting accolades, compliments or attention? Do you live primarily through others’ achievements?
The sun is in Leo July 21 – August 21, what does that mean for your sign?
Each month, evolutionary astrologer Barry Kerr explains the sign for that month and then lists all 12 signs and how each interacts with this month's sign. Look for your birth sign below. (These can also hold true if you have your Moon, ascendant and/or a number of planets in the sign.)
Having visited the four elements of fire, earth, air and water (spirit, physical, mental and emotional) in the first four signs of the zodiac, we now repeat that cycle, ideally with a stronger and more secure ego, able to channel our soul’s uniqueness with passion and confidence. The Sun is a perfect metaphor for our soul’s higher intention in Leo. We can shine, through our embodiment, the loving light that we are, radiating our love and warmth as passionate co-creators in this time-space dimension. Just how we express ourselves depends on the particulars of our human dynamics, as determined by our karmic patterns and reflected in our astrological birth chart. A secure and enlightened ego can use this Leo energy in very powerful, joyful ways that inspire others to admire and support worthy creations. An insecure and un-awakened ego is more likely to use the Leo frequency as a way to gain personal attention, approval and importance, at times very intriguing or entertaining, but lacking the more soulful charisma that can lead others. No matter what our birth sign, it’s the Leo in us that claims our entitlement to be our true self, a unique and blessed child of the divine one.
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19):
As a fellow fire sign, Aries, Leo invites your natural spontaneity to take action as applied to fun and creativity. If you look at life as one grand, creative project, what is possible for you? Whether it’s playing a new game right here and now, or launching a big dream for the years to come, use this time to add the qualities of warmth and joy to your existing drive and enthusiasm. This will strengthen your power to attract others to your cause and invites others to express themselves, too.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20):

Your penchant for comfort and pleasure is a valuable trait, but watch out you don’t keep it all to yourself. In this Leo month, let your self share your gratitude with others. It doesn’t require you give all that much away. Mostly, the stretch is to be generous in spirit. See if you can share something, tangible or intangible, in a creative way that expresses your warmth, joy and pride. Make it fun! Sing!
Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

Sharing your thoughts is normal for you, Gemini, but are you having fun? There is a trickster within you that wants to play in ways that express your quick-witted mind. Leo is a good time to come out and play. Use your natural enthusiasm for communication to improve your storyteller talents around the campfire. Make it up as you go. Others of all ages will be receptive. Adding fun to your communication skills will bring continuing rewards.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

Your usual tendencies toward shyness are being provoked this month. The Leo in you wants to turn your caring and sensitive qualities outward, allowing the warmth of your light to be seen and appreciated. Children are especially receptive to you at this time. Cooking, gentle games, and nature are excellent activities to share. Take a risk. Whatever feelings may be stirred, if you keep the focus on fun and playfulness, your talent for nurturing will invoke joy and creativity.
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22):

This is your month, Leo. There is no better time to let yourself shine. Others, too, will be feeling their own Leo inspirations for creativity and expression, so this is an excellent time for you to draw them into your own grand schemes, whether for this moment or for years to come. The key is to appeal to their inner magical children and honor their unique expressions as much as your own. Create a “mutual adoration society” and who knows what’s possible?
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22):
Having fun and being playful is not generally your strong suit, Virgo, yet you, too, have a Leo inner child that needs attention and adoration. So, make your “Don’t Forget To…” lists, and then break free and channel your natural gifts for method and order into some creative pastimes and enthusiastic foolishness. When it comes to games, you can be the rule-keeper. Adventures? You can create the plan. Art? Find the tools. Explore how to give feedback and criticism in ways that feel playful and warm. If you’re going to make the world a better place, you’ll need to inspire others to join you.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22):

In your commitment to relationship, Libra, sometimes you can forget the best parts, like fun and romance. So during Leo, let your creative juices flow toward your special someone. Art and music are natural avenues for you to create some playful harmony. Your enthusiasm, generosity and sense of fair play will reward you with returned adoration. Be sure to receive it. Drink it in.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21):

Ok, Scorpio, you know how passionate you are. And you know how much you try to hide it. Well during Leo, passion wants to be expressed, so you might as well find a way to channel those deep feelings into something creative and inspired. Better yet, show a little vulnerability and you’ll be amazed how much people can adore you. Inviting an intimate loved-one into a mutual, juicy star burst is a natural way for you to share your joy. Just make sure your lucky choice is worthy.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21):

As another fire sign, Sag, Leo combines with your optimism and cosmic thinking to inspire big ideas and huge possibilities for fun and adventure. The world is your playground. Let your inner child express your natural enthusiasm to others. Invite someone along for the journey, for a change. Use your natural generosity to share your expanded insights in fun and playful ways that leave others feeling warm, enthused and uplifted. There’s a teacher in you needing a little show biz.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19):
Time for some serious fun, Capricorn. Really. All work and no play can make you a very boring person, so let this Leo time be your reason to relax a little and look for some opportunities for your magical child to connect with others. Organized games and activities are probably your best bet. You could lead! At work, trust your unique personality and inspired creativity. Let yourself shine a bit more. Heartfelt enthusiasm will give you more strength and power to lead, as others feel your soul coming through.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18):

Your normal way, Aquarius, is to either blend in with others as a team player or to be an outside rebel. Leo, opposite Aquarius, calls on you to take center stage more than usual. This is your time to lead, letting others follow your creative juices. If you offer inspired enthusiasm, other’s creativity will be ignited as well, and you will see how your expressed uniqueness synergizes with that of others. Be sure to return the applause, but don’t feign modesty. Like you, they’ll get their turn to lead. If you feel stuck in rebel mode, lighten up. Showing your fun side may attract your tribe.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20):

Your usual inward focus and sensitivity to the ephemeral can sometimes make it difficult to relate to the world. Use Leo to allow your artistic talents to develop and shine. If you channel your intuitive perceptions into creativity, the results will naturally connect you to others in uplifting ways, if you share it. Let yourself receive the attention and admiration. You needn’t feel your ego is out of control. Just acknowledge spirit as your partner.
Note about zodiac dates: The dates associated with the signs of the zodiac are based on averages, since in any given year the exact ingresses can range from the 19th to the 22nd. They also vary depending on the time zone in which you were born. If you're unsure of your sign, you can obtain your chart at astrology.com.
Barry Kerr, a certified soul-based astrologer, has 36 years of experience with an international clientele, including many medical professionals and alternative healers. He and Kristine Gay, a licensed psychotherapist, are owners/practitioners at Inner Essence Center in Madison. Both have extensive training in soul-guided healing of mind, body, heart and spiritual systems. Barry offers astrology, energy healing and transformational coaching by phone, Skype or in-person. Visit www.ChooseConsciousLiving.com for more information, or email Barry at Barry@ChooseConsciousLiving.com.