Spontaneous Sacred Spaces by Sue Lion

Spontaneous Sacred Spaces by Sue Lion
$14.95 USD

8 Portable Altars to Open Your Heart Wherever You Are

Susan Andra Lion pioneers a unique idea of portable altars with her small format book series. She introduces the idea of taking beautiful sacred space anywhere and everywhere you go. The visually stimulating and thought provoking collection of her drawings and poetic words gives us the break we need to become aligned and stay aligned with our true energy.

Each richly illustrated spread becomes a platform to add your own symbolic objects perhaps a scarlet flower, a golden coin, a polished stone, a fetish. Read the thoughtful words on each altar and allow yourself to become connected to the Spirit of the Universe.

Each altar is meant to be impermanent and spontaneous focus your thoughts and make it yours, even for a few minutes. Then when done, simply fold the book for another day. Perfect for purse and backpack, office and kitchen, or any favorite place.

5.5” x 6.5”, heavy durable stock, fully laminated, wire-o binding with wrap. Encouraging instructions included.

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